1:1 Coaching

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality” — Plutarch

There’s so much you can do and be if you are not held back by your own mind. Our mind’s self-deceptive patterns often form tightly tangled snarls, inhibiting our ability to act and think freely. Which then leads to being at odds with ourselves, disconnection in our relationships, and stagnation in our passions. We all are living limited and inauthentic lives in a lot of ways. And our blind spots block our ability to resolve these blocks.

I have spent countless hours obsessing about the intricacies of our mind, developing a deep understanding of how we can dismantle our limiting patterns, and learning how to help people move towards emotional freedom. Work with me, 1-on-1, to explore your inner world, dismantle internal conflicts and insecurities, find alignment and motivation, and truly connect with yourself, others, and world.

If you’re interested, please email me at kunal@dismantledmind.com to set up a free intro conversation. We’ll chat about your life context, your struggles and desires. Then I’ll guide you through an exploration to demonstrate how we can take a deep dive into your mind and untangle the knots.